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The ESRC MCU Research Team

Simon P. Liversedge

Simon is Professor of Cognitive Psychology in the School of Psychology and Computer Science at the University of Central Lancashire. He is an internationally recognised experimental psychologist working in the field of cognitive psychology. He is particualrly interested in eye movements, reading and visual cognition. Over several decades he has used eye movement recording techniques to investigate a variety of aspects of human visual, linguistic and cognitive processing. 


Xuejun Bai

Xuejun is a Professor in the Faculty of Psychology at the Tianjin Normal University. He is also Vice President of Tianjin Normal University and Dean of Faculty of Psychology. He is a leading expert in the field of eye movement research investigating the psychological processes underlying reading in non-alphabetic languages. He has also used Functional Near- Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and fMRI to measure the hemodynamic responses in human participants.

Guoli Yan

Guoli is a Professor in the Faculty of Psychology at the Tianjin Normal University. and the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Psychology. He is a leading, internationally recognised, researcher in the field of eye movements and reading.  He has published research investigating many areas of human cognition including reading, information processing deficits in children, deaf readers and in people who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).


Chuanli Zang

Chuanli works in School of Psychology at the University of Central Lancashire with Professor Liversedge on the ESRC MCU project. She is interested in eye movements during reading, and in particular, how readers foveally and parafoveally process words and Multi-Constituent Units during natural Chinese reading. Her interests include word segmentation, saccadic targeting and parafoveal processing in reading. Recently she has developed an interest in the use of co-registration methodology (i.e., eye movements and Fixation-Related Potentials) to investigate the processes that underlie reading.



Copyright @ UCLan Reading Group, School of Psychology and Computer Science, University of Central Lancashire

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